Thursday, 31 March 2011

Day 22 - 24

Before we left Lausanne we managed to squeeze in a few beers. One thing that must be mentioned is the outragious prices in Switzerland. It really is unbelievable that they can charge seven francs (five pounds) for a large beer and get away with it. We moved from bar to bar in the aim of a cheaper pint but everywhere was the same. In our quest to find cheaper drinks we got quite lost, in my naivety I asked a group of girls for directions and it turned out they were all prostitutes! One of them knew enough english to ask "you want a fuck baby?". I gave her a firm no but insisted my friend sam might. Filthy cretins.

The next morning we were back on the road, we were blessed with amazing weather and a view of the lake for the majority of the day but I really wasn't feeling up to it after a night on the beer. We still put in a good shift and pitched our tent in a farmers field outside a town called Divonne. By the end of the day we'd stumbled back into France which was a relief. As beautiful as Switzerland is you would not want to live there, unless you had a few million in the bank for your weekly groceries.

Apart from a muddy start to the day, day 23 went like an absolute dream. After a map inspection it appeared we would have another mountain climb in store, that is unless you have a genius map navigator such as yours truly. We manged to cycle through valleys all day and it was beautiful. By 6pm we had done around 80km and decided to pitch up by a river that was just hidden from the road. I thought it was quite a nice spot but sam is really scared of 'creepy crawlies' and hated it. There was quite an issue with slugs I must admit, but it was free!

If this was a journal, day 24 would read: Rained off. But because this is a blog, I suppose I should expand a little. We still managed 50km, but its just so depressing cycling in the rain. We're in no rush and when we saw a sign for a campsite at about 4pm niether of us could resist. So we shall get everything washed and charged and hope for better weather tomorrow. In the meantime, its time for... Oohhh, Chimpanzee that mokey news!!

oh and please leave comments :-) 


  1. Thoroughly enjoyed your last couple of blogs Joe! Your observations of the things that you seen have really given us a laugh. The prostitute offer is like the Mark Beaumont incident when he had his special massage offer!!! A few friends who are following your blog have asked how many miles have you travelled so far. Keep it going son. I had my Olympics interview on Tuesday. It went well but wont find out until October if successful or not!

  2. By the way, your cousin Laura has given birth to a baby boy today. He weighed 10lb 3oz! No name as yet, so have a beer this evening if you can to celebrate!

  3. Great blogging - keep it up! Interesting to follow where you are and hear all your stories!
    Andy & Andrea

  4. Now then joe, been following your blog whenever I get a chance. Gotta say reading evey line of your experiences takes me back to last summer. Totally agree with the feeling of going fast down hill (although i didn't quite feel like James 'friggin' Bond) and being able to get in the zone when travelling relentless climbs! such a good feeling when you reach the top though.

    Glad to see the old bike is holding up aswell! I fell in love with it like you have, it's just so reliable. I hope it continues to be ur good omen through out the rest of the trip and look forward to reading future blogging posts.

    Steve Hunt
